Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Homeowner auctions off rock that destroyed house with a catch

AMID the rubble of Christchurch, at least one homeowner whose home was destroyed can see the funny side of things.
Phil Johnson's home was badly damaged when a 30-tonne boulder dislodged from a hill above his home, rolled down and smashed through the roof and coming to rest in his living room.
Mr Johnson has placed the offending stone - dubbed "Rocky" -  on and already the bids are up to almost $NZ1000.
The catch? The buyer will have to move it.
On the page, which features photos of the boulder and the destruction it caused, he describes the rock thus: "He is in pristine condition (just a little bit of concrete dust). Suitable for garden feature, or as in our case a magnificent addition to your living area.

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