Saturday, October 30, 2010

Facebook Profile Wall of fail for Dominos Pizza

Fans are lashing out out at poor customer service, insurance claims gone wrong and late and cold deliveries on Dominos Pizza' Facebook fan page.

Some example comments:

-The store at bundamba mucks up orders!! bad!! like 6 times in a row thats horrible!!

-This game is bullshit - 0.40 seconds to do the 100m thing? I type 90wpm and can't get it under 9 seconds. What's the point of this if the hackers/gamers can cheat, Dominos?

-Hey! Your Nedlands WA store are rude, abusive, never deliver the correct order and then overcharge for it! Twice!!

-I'm sure your pizza's would be nice if they didn't take 1 hour and 30mins and wre hot

-I ordered 3 pizzas on-line 40 minutes ago , when I got there they said they did not receive the order and I had to wait another 15 minutes...not impress.


It would appear that internet marketing is not cool for your company if your are well hated to begin with.

Read the full complaints list and HAVE YOUR SAY AGAINST POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE  here

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